I've been looking through old photos for some projects I'm working on and I came across a bunch of pictures from my studio/last few quarters of undergrad that I totally forgot about. I miss this silly gray wall painting. Why I decided to tape together about a million sheets of 8.5" x 11" printer paper and use watered-down acrylic on it, I'll never know. But I had so much fun! It went through so many stages and changes, including an attack with an x-acto knife and paper patches. It makes me more than a little sad that this no longer exists. In all the rush of moving out of my studio before leaving to study abroad in Rome for my last quarter, I left this behind for "safe keeping" and never saw it again. At least I have these pictures (and a roll of blue electrical tape and a huge stack of printer paper just incase I decide to recreate this experiment!)
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