A handful of images of my sweet little studio in the art building. Even though 87% of the year, it was so bitterly cold that my hands would freeze and I'd have to wear a million layers, I miss this place more than I could have imagined! What I give to have all that wall space again...
I've been looking through old photos for some projects I'm working on and I came across a bunch of pictures from my studio/last few quarters of undergrad that I totally forgot about. I miss this silly gray wall painting. Why I decided to tape together about a million sheets of 8.5" x 11" printer paper and use watered-down acrylic on it, I'll never know. But I had so much fun! It went through so many stages and changes, including an attack with an x-acto knife and paper patches. It makes me more than a little sad that this no longer exists. In all the rush of moving out of my studio before leaving to study abroad in Rome for my last quarter, I left this behind for "safe keeping" and never saw it again. At least I have these pictures (and a roll of blue electrical tape and a huge stack of printer paper just incase I decide to recreate this experiment!)
As promised, pictures from the opening night of my show at the Mars Cafe (which is part of the U-district art walk!) Since its main function is a cafe, the lighting isn't the best (see the second photo) especially for photographing, but I'm so proud of this show. I was extremely nervous and unsure of everything beforehand but it totally came together once we hung it. I've learned a lot during this process -- about myself, my work, what I would do better/differently, and I can't wait to put this newly-acquired knowledge to use!
PS. Thanks to my friends Taylor, Blake, and Chris for being in these photos and to them and everyone else who came out to support me, thanks! It means the world to me <3
Just a couple photos I snapped as I was organizing /getting ready the night before I hung my show at the Mars Cafe. Mara & I had such a fun time hanging the show and it turned out looking better than I expected! The color of the walls in Mars are the perfect compliment to my color palette. More photos to come of the show on opening night (which went really well! I'm so blessed and thankful for everyone who showed up to support me)!
Just a couple pages from my journal -- a collection of images that inspire me in some way, whether its from textures, colors, lines, etc, to other artists' work, quotes, photos I've taken, and whatever else I feel like.
I know it seems like I just posted about this painting, but I keep adding more and more layers to it -- and the more I add, the more I love it! It's currently my favorite piece I'm working on (which is around 10 at the moment). And ps. it's much cooler in person, you can see even more layers, colors, and subtle little differences that my phone camera can't capture.
The Sketchbook Project 2011 is coming to Seattle this weekend! It will be at Form/Space Ateller from June 10th - 12th. The gallery is open from 12 - 4pm. I'm planning to go on Saturday and it should be a fun show. I strongly encourage you to check it out if you have time!!
Another work in progress. It used to look completely different -- with newspaper and gray and black paint dripping down its surface and now it's been transformed into something completely new and fresh. I love that the old painting is still underneath, but no one would ever know unless I told them.
One of the many pieces I'm currently working on -- this one is mostly for fun, to get my brain going and my hands moving, directly influenced by Julie Shapiro. Pictures of more in-progress work coming soon!
Please excuse the bad quality/lighting of these photos, but here's a sneak peak at what I've been working on! Expect to see a lot more (and hopefully much better pictures) coming very soon!
I randomly decided to look at Julie Shapiro's website this afternoon and spotted thse two little beauties for the first time. Instant inspiration!! -- And definitely what I needed today.
I want to run away to the white washed streets of Greece. When I was in probably 4th or 5th grade, I discovered Cats in the Sun by Hans Silvester at the library. I would drag the huge hardcover book around with me for weeks, obsessing over the pictures and saving my favorites with slips of paper. I loved the cats lounging in the streets, jumping from buildings, and basking in the sun, but I also loved the painted white lines on the little tiny streets, white buildings with a touch of blue, and the shadows.
I love the thin black ink lines on yellowy pattern paper and the juxtaposition of organic, curving lines against straighter, printed lines Gail Grinnell's earlier work.