Just a couple pages from my journal -- a collection of images that inspire me in some way, whether its from textures, colors, lines, etc, to other artists' work, quotes, photos I've taken, and whatever else I feel like.
I know it seems like I just posted about this painting, but I keep adding more and more layers to it -- and the more I add, the more I love it! It's currently my favorite piece I'm working on (which is around 10 at the moment). And ps. it's much cooler in person, you can see even more layers, colors, and subtle little differences that my phone camera can't capture.
The Sketchbook Project 2011 is coming to Seattle this weekend! It will be at Form/Space Ateller from June 10th - 12th. The gallery is open from 12 - 4pm. I'm planning to go on Saturday and it should be a fun show. I strongly encourage you to check it out if you have time!!
Another work in progress. It used to look completely different -- with newspaper and gray and black paint dripping down its surface and now it's been transformed into something completely new and fresh. I love that the old painting is still underneath, but no one would ever know unless I told them.
One of the many pieces I'm currently working on -- this one is mostly for fun, to get my brain going and my hands moving, directly influenced by Julie Shapiro. Pictures of more in-progress work coming soon!